Results for 'Daniela Natalia Polo Rivas'

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  1. Cuerpo, sexo y cultura : disidencias de género a través del cine.Piedad Lucía Bolívar Goez, Daniel Ignacio Garzón Luna, María Camila Balcer Ángel, Sara Carolina Martínez Román, Daniela Natalia Polo Rivas & Sandra Liliana Rocha Gutiérrez - 2019 - In Pinto Bustamante, Boris Julián, Gómez Córdoba & Ana Isabel (eds.), Conflictos, dilemas y paradojas: cine y bioética en el inicio de la vida. Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Promoting Emotional Well-Being in Older Breast Cancer Patients: Results From an eHealth Intervention.Daniela Villani, Chiara Cognetta, Claudia Repetto, Silvia Serino, Davide Toniolo, Francesco Scanzi & Giuseppe Riva - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Visual exploration patterns of human figures in action: an eye tracker study with art paintings.Daniela Villani, Francesca Morganti, Pietro Cipresso, Simona Ruggi, Giuseppe Riva & Gabriella Gilli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  4.  12
    Does time heal all wounds? How is children’s exposure to intimate partner violence related to their current internalizing symptoms?Román Ronzón-Tirado, Natalia Redondo, María D. Zamarrón & Marina J. Muñoz Rivas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The effects of time and the longitudinal course of the children’s internalizing symptoms following Intimate Partner Violence Exposure are still of great interest today. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the frequency of IPVE, adverse experiences after the cessation of the IPVE and the time elapsed since the termination of the violent relation on the prevalence of anxiety and depression among children. Participants were 107 children and their mothers who had been victims of IPV and had existing judicial (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of a Measure of Borderline Personality Organization in a Spanish Court-Referred Partner-Violent Male Sample.Natalia Redondo Rodríguez, José Luis Graña Gómez, María Luisa Cuenca Montesino & Marina Julia Muñoz-Rivas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Violencia, derecho y rabia: una posible filiación entre Walter Benjamin y Hannah Arendt.Daniela Losiggio & Natalia Taccetta - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (3):197-222.
    Tras una amistad atravesada por la guerra y el exilio y a pesar de que sus obras se tocan escorzadamente, este artículo parte de la posibilidad de leer un diálogo entre Walter Benjamin y Hannah Arendt en torno a la relación entre poder y violencia. Aunque el primero se había dedicado al tema en los años veinte y treinta y la segunda recién concretamente en el año 1970, el carácter tormentoso del siglo XX no haría más que confirmar sus pronósticos (...)
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    Cultural Adaptation of the Modified Version of the Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS) in Mexican Adolescents.Rosa Carolina Ronzón-Tirado, Marina Julia Muñoz-Rivas, María Dolores Zamarrón Cassinello & Natalia Redondo Rodríguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Dicionario enciclopedia do pensamiento galego.Andrés Torres Queiruga & Manuel Rivas García (eds.) - 2008 - Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega.
    Este Dicionario Enciclopedia do Pensamento Galego, coordinado por Andrés Torres Queiruga e Manuel Rivas García e redactado por corenta e seis persoas, trata de conxuntar un dicionario de pensadores galegos e unha visión temática que permita encadrar o labor máis directamente filosófico no campo xeral da nosa cultura. De aí a súa división en dúas partes: a primeira, un dicionario de autores, e a segunda, unha enciclopedia que complementa temas, ideas e persoeiros que propiamente non caben na primeira. Deste (...)
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    How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases.Juan F. Cardona, Lucila Kargieman, Vladimiro Sinay, Oscar Gershanik, Carlos Gelormini, Lucia Amoruso, María Roca, David Pineda, Natalia Trujillo, Maëva Michon, Adolfo M. García, Daniela Szenkman, Tristán Bekinschtein, Facundo Manes & Agustín Ibáñez - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):311-322.
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    Francesco Soave e il trattato pedagogico della Methodus studiorum: l'influenza della famiglia Riva di Lugano nei collegi somaschi della Lombardia austriaca in una prospettiva europea.Daniela Corzuol - 2013 - Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande.
  11.  22
    Una lectura de la neurobiología actual desde la antropología trascendental de Leonardo Polo.Natalia López Moratalla - 2009 - Studia Poliana 11:21-46.
    The Polian notion of “formal potency” makes possible to theorize about the data of neuroscience. Brain constitutes a functional unity with epigenetic dynamics that harmonizes multiple and diverse functions, devoted to knowledge, tendencies, motor function, etc., because a unitarian connected function exists. The unity is not fixed: this function harmonizes the variatios, interrutions and beginnings. The regulation of the functional dynamics that produces indetermination and freedom of the human psychic functions over the neurologic automatism produces the intrinsic inhibituion of the (...)
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    Immanuel Kant, “La cuestión de las razas”.Carmen Polo - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:368-371.
    _Reseña de: Immanuel Kant. “La cuestión de las razas”, seguido de Georg Forster, “Algo que añadir sobre las razas humanas”. Editado por Natalia A. Lerussi y Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez. __Abada Editores, Madrid, 2021, ISBN: 978-84-17301-76-7._.
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    ROMAN DEFIXIONES- (C.) Sánchez Natalías Sylloge of Defixiones from the Roman West. A Comprehensive Collection of Curse Tablets from the Fourth Century bce to the Fifth Century ce. In two volumes. (BAR International Series 3077.) Pp. xvi + viii + 575, ills, colour maps. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2022. Paper, £126. ISBN: 978-1-4073-5931-1 (vol. 1), 978-1-4073-5932-8 (vol. 2), 978-1-4073-1532-4 (set). [REVIEW]Daniela Urbanová - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):497-499.
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  14. Identity and influence.Daniela Dover - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-24.
    How worried should we be about how impressionable we are—how susceptible we are to being influenced and even transformed by our encounters with one another? Some moral philosophers think we should be quite worried indeed: they hold that interpersonal influence is an especially morally dangerous way to change. It calls for additional moral scrutiny as compared with vectors of change that come from within the influencee’s own psyche—their antecedent values, desires, commitments, and so forth—just because it has an external source. (...)
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    Aristotle on the Virtue of the Multitude.Daniela Cammack - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (2):175-202.
    It is generally believed that one argument advanced by Aristotle in favor of the political authority of the multitude is that large groups can make better decisions by pooling their knowledge than individuals or small groups can make alone. This is supported by two analogies, one apparently involving a “potluck dinner” and the other aesthetic judgment. This article suggests that that interpretation of Aristotle’s argument is implausible given the historical context and several features of the text. It argues that Aristotle’s (...)
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    Academia After Virtue? An Inquiry into the Moral Character(s) of Academics.Daniela Pianezzi, Hanne Nørreklit & Lino Cinquini - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):571-588.
    An extensive literature has focused on the impact of new public management oriented structural changes on academics’ practice and identity. These critical studies have been resolute in concluding that NPM inevitably leads to a degeneration of academics’ ethos and values. Drawing from the moral philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre, we argue that these previous analyses have overlooked the moral agency of the academics and their role in ‘moralizing’ and consequently shaping the ethical nature of their practices. The paper provides a new (...)
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    How Pro-social Framing Affects the Success of Crowdfunding Projects: The Role of Emphasis and Information Crowdedness.Daniela Defazio, Chiara Franzoni & Cristina Rossi-Lamastra - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):357-378.
    Crowdfunding is regarded a financing mechanism that could improve the funding opportunities of businesses with a pro-social orientation. Indeed, it is assumed that on digital platforms, citizens are inclined to provide more support to projects with a social benefit than to those without such an orientation, with significant ethical implications for the common good. Yet, extant empirical evidence regarding such a claim is still inconclusive. To advance this discussion, the present paper analyzes the conditions that influence crowd support for projects (...)
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  18.  93
    Sci-Fi Parenthood and the End of Love.Daniela Cutas - 2025 - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    In this article, I explore concerns that have been raised regarding the relation between love and uptake of reproductive technologies, embryo selection and enhancement. Objections to (certain) uses of these technologies in terms of fractures in love, either parental or between partners, come from a variety of directions, from the conservative to the liberal. I examine two claims: (1) that the separation of procreation from sex and intimacy is a threat to love, and (2) that intervention on the traits of (...)
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  19. Love's Curiosity.Daniela Dover - forthcoming - In Connie Rosati (ed.), Practical Reflections: Essays in Honor of J. David Velleman.
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    Preserving children’s fertility: two tales about children’s right to an open future and the margins of parental obligations.Daniela Cutas & Kristien Hens - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):253-260.
    The sources, extent and margins of parental obligations in taking decisions regarding their children’s medical care are subjects of ongoing debates. Balancing children’s immediate welfare with keeping their future open is a delicate task. In this paper, we briefly present two examples of situations in which parents may be confronted with the choice of whether to authorise or demand non-therapeutic interventions on their children for the purpose of fertility preservation. The first example is that of children facing cancer treatment, and (...)
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    Deciphering economic futures: Electricity, calculation, and the power economy, 1880–1930.Daniela Russ - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (4):631-650.
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    The fixed points of belief and knowledge.Daniela Schuster - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Self-referential sentences have troubled our understanding of language for centuries. The most famous self-referential sentence is probably the Liar, a sentence that says of itself that it is false. The Liar Paradox has encouraged many philosophers to establish theories of truth that manage to give a proper account of the truth predicate in a formal language. Kripke’s Fixed Point Theory from 1975 is one famous example of such a formal theory of truth that aims at giving a plausible notion of (...)
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    Civic seeds: new institutions for seed systems and communities—a 2016 survey of California seed libraries.Daniela Soleri - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):331-347.
    Seed libraries are institutions that support the creation of semi-formal seed systems, but are often intended to address larger issues that are part of the “food movement” in the global north. Over 100 SLs are reported present in California. I describe a functional framework for studying and comparing seed systems, and use that to investigate the social and biological characteristics of California SLs in 2016 and how they are contributing to alternative seed systems based on interviews with 45 SL managers. (...)
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    Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Sense of Coherence.Daniela Barni, Francesca Danioni, Elena Canzi, Laura Ferrari, Sonia Ranieri, Margherita Lanz, Raffaella Iafrate, Camillo Regalia & Rosa Rosnati - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. Implementing Responsible Business Behavior from a Strategic Management Perspective: Developing a Framework for Austrian SMEs.Daniela Ortiz Avram & Sven Kühne - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):463-475.
    This paper contributes to a growing body of literature analyzing the social responsibilities of SMEs (Sarbutts, 2003, Journal of Communication Management 7(4), 340-347; Castka et al., 2004, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 11, 140-149; Enderle, 2004, Business Ethics: A European Review 14(1), 51-63; Fuller and Tian, 2006, Journal of Business Ethics 67, 287-304; Jenkins, 2006, Journal of Business Ethics 67, 241-256; Lepoutre and Heene, 2006, Journal of Business Ethics 67, 257-273; Roberts, 2003, Journal of Business Ethics 44(2), 159-170; Williamson (...)
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    Reasoning on UML class diagrams.Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese & Giuseppe De Giacomo - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2):70-118.
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    Age-Dependent Positivity-Bias in Children’s Processing of Emotion Terms.Daniela Bahn, Michael Vesker, José C. García Alanis, Gudrun Schwarzer & Christina Kauschke - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Academic Leadership in the Time of COVID-19—Experiences and Perspectives.Daniela Dumulescu & Alexandra Ileana Muţiu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has been a sharp reminder that large scale, unpredictable events always bring about profound changes with significant consequences on many levels. In light of lockdown measures taken in many countries across the world to control the spread of the virus, academics were “forced” to adapt and move to online settings all teaching, mentoring, research, and support activities. Academic leaders in higher education had to make decisions and to act quickly how were they to manage large educational communities, (...)
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    Disparate Politics: Balibar and Simondon.Daniela Voss - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):47-53.
    At the beginning of his essay ‘Philosophies of the Transindividual: Spinoza, Marx, Freud’, Balibar [2018] hints at some reasons why he will not be dealing with Simondon, despite agreeing with the latter’s program of going beyond ‘the metaphysics of the subject and of substance’ and towards an ‘ontology of relations’. In what follows I would like to outline Simondon’s concept of transindividuality and spell out more clearly why Balibar cannot follow Simondon’s trajectory. At the same time, I suggest a number (...)
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    Postmenopausal Motherhood Reloaded: Advanced Age and In Vitro Derived Gametes.Daniela Cutas & Anna Smajdor - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (2):386-402.
    In this paper we look at the implications of an emerging technology for the case in favor of, or against, postmenopausal motherhood. Technologies such as in vitro derived gametes have the potential to influence the ways in which reproductive medicine is practiced, and are already bringing new dimensions to debates in this area. We explain what in vitro derived gametes are and how their development may impact on the case of postmenopausal motherhood. We briefly review some of the concerns that (...)
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    Intensity and the Missing Virtual: Deleuze's Reading of Spinoza.Daniela Voss - 2017 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 11 (2):156-173.
    Deleuze's interpretation of Spinozan philosophy is intrinsically related to the concept of intensity. Attributes are defined as intensive qualities, modal essences as intensive quantities or degrees of power; the life of affects corresponds to continuous variations in intensity. This essay will show why Deleuze needs the concept of intensity for his reading of Spinozan philosophy as a philosophy of expressive immanence. It will also discuss the problems that spring from this reading: in what way, if any, are modal essences modified (...)
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    Down and Dirty in the Field of Play: Startup Societies, Cryptostatecraft, and Critical Complicity.Daniela Gandorfer - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (3):355-377.
    Climate change and fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies are massively shifting the material and social conditions of existence on Earth and contribute to a state of indeterminacy and increased political experimentation. While various models for what might become the ‘next iteration of governance’ are currently emerging, this essay turns to specific contemporary political experiments which claim to democratize power, distribute and/or share sovereignty, function as peer-to-peer or actor-to-actor, and move beyond criticism—be it to the moon or to soil. More precisely, (...)
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    A Heretical Defence of the Unity of Form and Content.Daniela Glavaničová - 2022 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 1:33-47.
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  34. Epigenetics, Parenthood and Responsibility for Children.Daniela Cutas - 2024 - In Emma Moormann, Anna Smajdor & Daniela Cutas (eds.), Epigenetics and Responsibility: Ethical Perspectives. Bristol University Press. pp. 98-109.
    This chapter analyses the implications of findings in epigenetics for the ascription of moral responsibility for children. It contrasts shared understandings of procreative responsibility and discusses its extension to include all (individual or collective) actors who influence a child’s gene expression. It also problematizes the focus on biology in this process, using the example of epigenetics as a crossover between social and biological factors that contribute to a child’s life. Epigenetics blurs the boundary between biology and the environment, and thus (...)
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    Models, Metaphors and Analogies.Daniela M. Bailer Jones - 2002 - In Peter K. Machamer & Michael Silberstein (eds.), The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 108–127.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Models Analogy Metaphor Metaphorical Models Current Issues.
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    Chroma key dreams: Algorithmic visibility, fleshy images and scenes of recognition.Daniela Agostinho - 2018 - Philosophy of Photography 9 (2):131-155.
    The increasing pervasiveness of datafication across social life is significantly challenging the scope and meanings of visibility. How do new modes of data capture compel us to rethink the notion of visibility, no longer understood as an ocular-based perceptual field, but as a multifaceted site of power? Focusing in particular on technologies of algorithmic recognition, the article argues that in order to understand the broad stakes of visibility under algorithmic life, the intersection between algorithmic recognition and the notion of social (...)
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    Postmenopausal motherhood: Immoral, illegal? A case study.Daniela Cutas - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (8):458–463.
    ABSTRACT The paper explores the ethics of post‐menopausal motherhood by looking at the case of Adriana Iliescu, the oldest woman ever to have given birth (so far 1). To this end, I will approach the three most common objections brought against the mother and/or against the team of healthcare professionals who made it happen: the age of the mother, the fact that she is single, the appropriateness of her motivation and of that of the medical team.
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    Correctness and Completeness of Programming Instructions for Traffic Circulation.Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (6):1-16.
    In the present article we exploit the logical notions of correctness and completeness to provide an analysis of some fundamental problems that can be encountered by a software developer when transforming norms for traffic circulation into programming instructions. Relying on this analysis, we then introduce a question and answer procedure that can be helpful, in case of an accident, to clarify which components of an existing framework should be revised and to what extent software developers can be held responsible.
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    Introduction to the symposium on feminist perspectives on human–nature relations.Daniela Gottschlich, Tanja Mölders & Martina Padmanbhan - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):933-940.
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    Working While Ill Is Not Always Bad—Positive Effects of Presenteeism.Daniela Lohaus, Wolfgang Habermann, Isam El Kertoubi & Florian Röser - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Presenteeism—going to work while ill—is a widespread phenomenon worldwide. Previous research has concentrated mainly on its negative effects. This study investigates the positive consequences of presenteeism derived from a comprehensive content model of presenteeism that was developed on the basis of negative effects. In a quantitative online-survey employees rated the degree of experienced or potential positive effects depending on whether they had worked while ill or not during the previous year. Results revealed that all postulated positive effects described in the (...)
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  41. Fictional Names and Semantics: Towards a Hybrid View.Daniela Glavaničová - 2010 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Objects of Inquiry in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Ontos Verlag. pp. 59-74.
    Are there fictional characters? Realists suggest that there are such entities, but these are non-concrete, non-actual or non-existent. Antirealists avoid this assumption by suggesting that fictional discourse is not to be taken at face value. However, any of these camps faces some serious troubles. This paper proposes a hybrid account that combines features of realism with features of antirealism. In particular, the semantic distinction between de dicto and de re is employed, and the resulting view suggests de dicto (role) realism (...)
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    The Open Studio Approach to Art Therapy: A Systematic Scoping Review.Daniela Finkel & Michal Bat Or - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Effect of Parent Psychological Distress on Child Hyperactivity/Inattention During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Testing the Mediation of Parent Verbal Hostility and Child Emotional Symptoms.Daniela Marchetti, Lilybeth Fontanesi, Serena Di Giandomenico, Cristina Mazza, Paolo Roma & Maria Cristina Verrocchio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 health crisis is strongly affecting the psychological well-being of the general population. According to a very recent literature, the imposed lockdown and social distancing measures have generated a series of negative outcomes, including fear of the future, anxiety, and somatization symptoms. Few studies have investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of parents and children, and still fewer studies have assessed the relationship between the psychological health of parents and children. The present study (...)
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    The hyperintensionality of art.Daniela Vacek & Martin Vacek - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-16.
    Daniel Nolan successfully predicted a hyperintensional revolution in metaphysics in his 2014 paper ‘Hyperintensional Metaphysicsʼ. He argued that hyperintensionality is not restricted to representations. However, it seems that one of the most promising candidates for non-representational hyperintensionality has not yet been considered as such: art. We will argue that art can provide a rather strong case for non-representational hyperintensionality. One reason for this is that the hyperintensionality of art cannot be captured via a representational kind of hyperintensionality.
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    Two-Year-Olds’ Symbolic Use of Images Provided by a Tablet: A Transfer Study.Daniela Jauck & Olga Peralta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Struggles for Hegemony in Italy’s Crisis Management: A Case Study on the 2012 Labour Market Reform.Daniela Caterina - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book investigates the struggles for hegemony, and a possible ‘crisis of crisis management’ at the core of Italy’s political economy. With a specific focus on the conflict over the 2012 labour market reform, the book also explores the country’s trajectory in the area of economic and social reproduction. It presents a framework for critical policy analysis that draws on cultural political economy and explores its potential synergies with complementary approaches such as historical materialist policy analysis and critical discourse analysis. (...)
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    Evidence‐based treatment and quality of life in heart failure.Daniela Dobre, Cornelia H. M. Van Jaarsveld, Adelita V. Ranchor, Rosemarie Arnold, Mike J. L. De Jongste, Haaijer Ruskamp & M. Flora - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):334-340.
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    Kants institutionalisierter Pazifismus.Daniela Falcioni - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 2339-2348.
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    The Status of Philosophy During the Communist Regime in Romania.Daniela Maci - 2018 - History of Communism in Europe 9:187-205.
    The text approaches the status of Romanian philosophy during the communist period from two points of view: a) that of speech: while a new philosophical vocabulary becomes official, the old one fades away; b) that of the communist educational system. My analysis will consider the first period in which “the new philosophy” was disseminated in society, and the second period in which Marxism could not be reduced to DIAMAT. Are these periods subsumed to the universal ideology or not?
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    Current Changes in German Abortion Law.Daniela Reitz & Gerd Richter - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):334-343.
    The current practice of late termination of pregnancy in Germany has been criticized by the German Medical Association as well as several sociopolitical groups. The controversy has especially concerned the time limit for the termination of pregnancies and the counseling process prior to that intervention. The criticism, in part, originates from the reform of the German Abortion Law in 1995, and demands for change led to legislative initiatives in 2008.
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